With the filtering option you can hide and restrict entire categories for live tv and VOD and block specific channels from playing. The PIN feature prevents certain operations to be executed without PIN confirmation.
Caution: While filtering along with PIN protection can be used to limit content for specific users, they should not be the only methods relied upon for parental control. The catalog data from a source might be inaccurate, and therefore, it cannot be assured that inappropriate content will be completely blocked.
Filtering Feature
Enabling the filtering feature for your source
The filtering feature needs to be enabled for each source. By default, the filtering feature is not active. You have to enable the filtering feature in the "Filtering & PIN" section in the source editing screen.
Go to Settings (while watching menu->more->settings).
Go to Sources.
Go to your source and press the "View" button to edit (you can also select the source and press the pencil icon button to edit).
In your source properties select the tab "PIN & Filtering".
Activate the "Filtering Feature" option.
Once the Filtering feature is enabled for your source you can block categories and channels while watching tv.
Turn Filtering ON/OFF
The filtering option is turn ON by default when you open a source with the filtering feature enabled. To turn filtering OFF while in the player, go to Menu-> More -> Filtering. Press the "Filter" button to switch it ON/OFF (if you don't see the filtering button, then the feature is not enabled for the source).
By default, deactivating filtering is unrestricted. However, you can prevent users from turning off filtering by enabling PIN protection for the source (refer to the PIN Protection Feature section below on this page).
Filter/Restrict a category.
While in the player, go to Menu-> More -> Filtering.
Now select one of the filtering options:
Filter Live TV
Filter Movies
Filter Shows
After selecting one of the options above, the menu will display all the categories for the chosen list. You can block/unblock a category by pressing each category button.
The blocked categories (showing crossed eye icon) will not be shown in the category lists on the menu when the filtering option is turn ON and every movie, show or tv channel belonging to a restricted category is considered restricted itself.
To block all categories, press the second button (block all). To unblock all categories, press the first button (unblock all).
Block an individual TV channel.
You may want to block a specific channel within a category without blocking the entire category. To do so select the channel in the Zapping Panel and in the channel, menu select More->Restricted to block/unblock the channel. You cannot block individual VOD entries.
What happens with restricted channels and VOD entries?
When the filtering feature is turn ON:
Categories that are restricted do not appear in the menu's category lists.
Restricted Movies, shows, and TV channels will be excluded from the search results.
EPG information related to a blocked channel will be excluded from the search results. (notice more than one channel with the same EPG information may exist)
Restricted Movies and Shows will not be shown for the watch lists on the home screen.
Restricted Movies, Shows and TV channels will not be shown in the history sections on the home screen.
Individual blocked channels will be shown in the zapping panel and TV Guide, but they will not play, cannot be selected and their EPG information will not be shown.
Blocked channels in the FAVORITE Channels list will be shown in the Zapping panel, Home Screen and TV guide but they will not play, cannot be selected and their EPG information will not be shown.
When the filtering option is turned off, everything will be shown and listed as it normally would. The blocked categories will be displayed along a with a crossed eye icon to signify this category is mean to be restricted, but they can be selected as normal.
PIN Protection Feature
You can enable the PIN feature to require the user to provide the PIN code for the following operations:
See the event log (troubleshooting section).
Modify or see the properties for pin protected sources.
Turn the filtering option OFF for pin protected sources.
List sources (optional).
Enabling the PIN feature.
By default, the PIN feature is turned OFF. You can turn it ON in the application settings. Go to settings-> Options and select the PIN & Filtering Tab. Turn the option on and off by pressing the "Pin Protection Enabled" button.
To establish a new pin:
Go to settings-> Options and select the PIN & Filtering Tab. The first time you turn the PIN feature ON you will be asked to provide a PIN.
Press the "Set New PIN" button. You need to provide the existing PIN when changing the PIN.
Do not to use an actual password that you utilize elsewhere as a PIN.
PIN protecting a Source.
Once the PIN feature is enabled for the application you can PIN protect a source. To do so go to settings->sources and edit your source. Select the "PIN & Filtering" tab and activate the "Pin Protected" option.
Pin protected sources require providing the PIN for editing the source and to disable the filtering option.
To turn filtering off for a source with PIN protection from the player go to menu-> more and press the "PIN LOCK" button and enter the PIN to turn PIN protection off. Once PIN protection is OFF you can turn filtering off.
Should an incorrect PIN be typed, the application will enforce a time penalty before allowing the PIN to be re-entered.
What happens if I forget my PIN?
You will have to reinstall the app and start from scratch to create a new PIN.
comprei no começo top depois de um tempo as séries não roda mais no app agora e só filme